2022 Assessment

The 2022 Hispanic Healthcare and Technology Careers Conference administered a before and after assessment to attendees for the first time in order to measure how well the conference met the following objectives:

  1. Encourage more students to consider careers in the fields of health and technology

  2. Educate students on what is required to pursue a career in health and technology

  3. Connect students to role models so they can gain the confidence to pursue challenging careers in health and technology

Approximately 24.5% of attendees responded to the survey. Taking a lesson from the prior instance we incentivized students to participate in the post-survey by offering a drawing for Amazon Gift Cards. We saw a jump in participation of almost 15%.


The percentage of students indicating they strongly agreed with pursuing a career in health or technology increased more than 14%. It appears students whom previously agreed were more interested after the conference as there was also a small increase in the percentage of students agreeing with the statement. The most significant figure was the reduction of students reporting neutral interest toward a career in health and technology. The figured dropped by almost 17%. As a percentage, less students (2.33%) disagreed or strongly disagreed with pursuing a career in technology after the conference, however this figure corresponds to one student.


Before the conference most students were neutral (37.79%) in their self assessment of what is required to pursue a career in health or technology. After the conference, the percentage of students whom strongly agreed with the statement rose approximately 13% and those whom agreed with the statement rose more than 24%. Not one respondent disagreed with the statement in the post survey.


After the conference students had more confidence to pursue a career in health or technology. The percentage of students whom agreed (34.88%) with the statement increased slightly after the conference, however more students reported they strongly agreed (51.16%). There was also a decrease in the number of students who reported neutral feelings toward the statement, a reduction of approximately 16%. Not one respondent disagreed with the statement.