Unidos US Conference - Maria Ortega
My experience in Unidos was one of the best things that’s happened in my life. I’m thankful for this opportunity, there was so many new things I experienced. I learned things I never heard about and things I knew little about. I honestly was scared at first because I didn’t talk to anyone but by the end, I became friends with entire “Idaho team,” that is how we were known. Not only did I become close to them, but I also met other students from other high schools and colleges. Thanks to Rick for pushing me to meet new people. I became friends with all of them. Not only did I get the opportunity to meet new people and learn new things, I had the opportunity to travel to San Diego which was a bonus.
This trip made me think a lot about my future and the future of others. I had always planned that I wanted to be something big, something that would change my life. This trip made me realize that I can also change other people’s lives because together we are stronger. This is going to be a trip I will never forget, and I’ll be talking about it years from now. That’s all I’ve been doing since I came back. Unidos US 2019 San Diego I’m ready to be a change maker. If you are offered the opportunity to go to this life changing conference, do it, trust me you will not regret it. Just remember Unidos somos más fuertes and we can change lives.